All #QuagCup twitter data accurate as of Saturday June 16th 6AM GMT

Venue: The Gardens of Quagliaterre Estate, New Jersey Capacity: 3,000

A message from Alessandro Quagliaterre

“Good Evening/Afternoon People on this fine Saturday. Now for those wondering wait but it’s Sunday here in the States. YES! Happy Father’s Day! Due to a broadcast agreement with Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, they have exclusive rights to air the show eight times, before it airs here in America. It’s a auspicious Chinese thing, plus they are paying me a ton of money to have exclusivity on their network.

Anyways, just as I did last week, the proceedings that occur following the message will see me take a backseat, while you the wrestlers and the viewers enjoy the craziness.

I do however want to address a controversy from Round One. To the Northern Ireland government, I cannot be held accountable for the whereabouts of wrestlers once they leave my grounds. If someone has dissapeared, or deactivated, not my problem. Maybe look for the Taste of the Rainbow, I heard a certain Alabama Penis according to QT Reese, was quite fond of them.

Now onto what matters, regarding next week’s match-ups. As you are aware the theme for Round One was Hardcore Rules, The Theme for tonight is Steel Cages, and Round Three which will not be known as Round Three but the QUARTER FINALS theme will be a form of wrestling I absolutely love. A pure version of our sport, some call it humiliating, others calls it a true technicians game, eitherway the theme for the Quarter Finals is that every match will be contested where the only way to win is through SUBMISSION!

Throughout the night you will see where applicable match announcements for next weekends action. An additional note for the Quarter Finals. Say Goodbye to the Brackets, because next week, based from your Seed Position, the tournament gets spread wide open, anyone can faced anyone, from whatever bracket.

Let the battles commence! Peace Out!”




  • Amira and Kimitsu Zombie [Americas]

Amira: Hi Kimi, thanks for agreeing to a follow-up interview and congratulations on advancing to the second round of the Quag Cup. Your comfortably defeated Ethan Giles in less than 5 minutes and it was probably the most convincing victory of the night. Were you expecting such light work? Were you hoping for more?

Kimitsu Zombie: He never showed any fire. I knew he was going to be soft but not that badly.

Amira: In our last interview, you questioned his character, expecting hardcore rules to show a different side to him. That wasn’t the case. Do you think he will bounce back in the Second Chance Battle Royal?

Kimitsu Zombie: He has no chance. I broke his spirit and he is nothing more than a fucking pup. The others are going to tear him apart.

Amira: Who is your pick to win? Anyone stand out?

Kimitsu Zombie: I don’t even think anyone has the heart to step up. That Qiang is sure making it a point to look like he is training for it. Everyone else is either too bland or dead in the eyes.

Amira: Speaking of Chen, he has used the Quag Cup to increase his profile and is probably the favourite for the battle royal. Have you done the same and reached a wider audience?

Kimitsu Zombie: No. I’ve gotten enough exposure by myself. I’ve done so much in my short career that some of these people can only dream of. Chen is a DoW and a rising star, but he is below me. I’m only in this to take Mr. Quagliaterre’s money.

Amira: I like that answer. It should be about the money – a million dollars is life changing.

Kimitsu Zombie: I also need to keep a promise I made to someone long ago.

Amira: Do tell…

Kimitsu Zombie: Not yet.

Amira: Something for later in the tournament?

Kimitsu Zombie: When I win it.

Amira: Hmm, OK. In terms of round 2 though, you’ll be fresh whereas your opponent won’t… but your opponent will be prepared to face you, whereas you’re not sure who you’re up against. Would you rather just have a regular match?

Kimitsu Zombie: All the other match ups do have me a little envious. It says a lot when nobody in the Battle Royal has come at me directly until getting some encouragement. I would have preferred have a clear opponent, but this suits me just as well. This isn’t the only mystery match I might be having soon, so it is good practice.

Amira: Yeah, most of them are pretty quiet. Some have even dropped out. Perhaps Kimi in a cage is a prospect they would rather avoid? Sounds kinda hot to me.

Kimitsu Zombie: Being inside the cage actually isn’t my favorite thing. Some of my worst defeats have been in cages. Of course one time it involved electrocuted walls, and I barely knew a move, and the other time fire was involved. So this time it might be one of my best wins.

Amira: Seems like this one will be tame in comparison. So in our first interview, you mentioned you were picked for the Zombie clan for a particular reason. Story time?

Kimitsu Zombie: Must we do this? Fine. I got “saved” on the path to self destruction like all the others by Tokyo Zombie. It turns out that Aokigahara is my real father. This was uncovered by a bitch named Kinsley after she fucked him, but I won’t get into that now. This makes me question the real reason I was chosen in the first place. They stopped me from doing something incredibly stupid, but why were they scouting me in the first place? Yeah. I don’t know.

Amira: Daddy issues – we all have em. Your faction has obviously helped you develop into the wrestler you are today but do you ever see yourself riding solo? Or are you Zombie clan 4 life?

Kimitsu Zombie: This is kind of a ’til death do we part type of deal. And I don’t have any fucking daddy issues.

Amira: Whatever you say, babe. How’s King’s Road?

Kimitsu Zombie: It’s great. I became a champion and ran off the first challenger. Then that asshole showed up but I’m ignoring him.

Amira: I do try to keep an eye on King’s Road. Do you plan to venture into any other CWC territories?

Kimitsu Zombie: No. I’m only doing that to hang out with my Marquis.

Amira: Alright, well maybe our paths will cross at a CWC supercard one day. In the meantime, I wish you all the best in King’s Road and the Quag Cup. Do you have any final comments?

Kimitsu Zombie: I’m done waiting for someone meek to step up. My next opponent is going to feel everything I’ve been saving up for a fight. I’ll be waiting for you too.





  • Second Chance Battle Royal

The match began with eight competitors. Qiang Chen, Chris Matthews, Julie Miri, Jan van der Roost with four other suspiciously looking competitors. The four suspiciously looking individuals were what appeared to be either clones, or doppelgängers of four of the worst performers from round one. ETHONG ILES from Samoa was dressed as a banana, MICHAEL RHINEHEART was dressed as the Devil from limbo. EERON VHELAN was an smoking hot tatted small woman from Narnia, and ICE ANDREWS was a bum rapper pretending to be a billionaire from Switzerland.

Jan van der Roost went straight for ICE ANDREWS giving the rapper bum a Triple Chop, ripping his chest apart, and then delivering a wicked Superkick blasting ICE over the top rope to be eliminated. Julie then gave a hip swivel of her assets, mesmerising everyone in the ring, except for EERON VHELAN so Julie went at EERON like a enchilada with Multiple Kick Variations. EERON was seeing stars from the feisty Julie, and then she paid homage to her Forehead Family with a ZIDANE HEADBUTT sending EERON flying out the ring, and towards the stars to be eliminated.

Chris Matthews then contributed with S.E.A.L KICKS, which were multiple shot’s to RHINEHEART’s chest, and the devil couldn’t take the brutality, jumping over the top rope to eliminate himself and run towards God for forgiveness because he got so shook by the savage assault by Chris Matthews. Qiang Chen, then adopted a more simple approach. He took a big gulp of his Maotai alcohol, and while ETHONG ILES, was twerking in his banana costume. Qiang then unpeeled the banana and made ETHONG get very slippery, as he sprayed his face with a Maotai Mist, burning his eyes up, crying like a little sissy and getting rolled out over the top from the brunt of Qiang’s mist power.

The four of them, then stared each other down. Julie told the boys to play nice, skipping around the ring without a care in the world. Jan van der Roost decided to teach the young lady a lesson. Chris Matthews then decided there was no lesson to be taught, grabbing Jan by his tights, and tossing him over the top rope eliminating him. Chris and Julie then giggled, high fived each other, and jumped up and down in excitement. For helping Julie, Chris was repaid by Julie pelting him over the rope unsuspectingly to eliminate Chris Matthews.

Chris Matthews was shocked, and Julie gently waved goodbye to Chris. Qiang then decided to say HELLO, by beating his chest and then apologizing to Julie, as he powerlifted Julie up above his shoulder, and then sent her to crash on to the mat for the win!


TIME: 8:08


Pixie: Qiang Chen has done it! After seemingly being down and out following last week’s main event, Qiang Chen lives and is back into the tournament. Congratulations Mr. Chen, we will see him soon again, facing off against Kimitsu Zombie.


  • Amira and Deuce Holmes [Asia/Africa]

In the picturesque grounds of the Quagliaterre Estate, Amira is joined by Deuce Holmes. The Asia/Africa Media Host is wearing shades and a sun dress, while Deuce is dressed for action – wrists taped and everything. They seem to be in some kinda VIP section surrounded by fencing to keep fans out of the way.

Amira: Hi everyone, I’m here with Deuce Holmes for a special interview. So first, well done on qualifying for the second round of the Quag Cup. Your match with Qiang has been widely praised and was definitely a worthy main event. With so many big names in this tournament, how did it feel to receive top billing?

While previously serious, as Amira asks her first question, Deuce can’t help but crack up.

Deuce Holmes: Honestly, about half way through the show I thought they had forgotten us. Next thing I know, our interview is booming out of every speaker and anyone who makes eye contact with me is shouting: GO!!

Amira: You obviously have a close bond with Qiang Chen and it’s safe to say he pushed you to the limit. Do you reckon he’s now the favourite for the second chance battle royal?

Deuce Holmes: Chen is my new favourite in any match he competes in.

Amira: Now you face Alicia Lukas and the two of you have been trading insults on Twitter. Do you respect her as an opponent?

Deuce Holmes: Ali..

He suddenly places a finger to his lips.

Deuce Holmes: SSHHH!! Hasn’t insulted me! She called me “Sir”. She attempted to insult my girlfriend Lavinia by claiming to have the better rear view. That was proven false by AliSSHHH!! herself! I don’t respect her as a person or as an athlete. How can I respect her as an opponent? Is it her 380 day title reign? Trust me Amira. That’s looking way better on my… hashtag… Quag Cup resume next week than it ever did on hers this week.

Amira: Speaking of Lavinia, tell me about your girl. Where did you meet? How long have you been together?

With a sheepish grin, Deuce begins to blush a little.

Deuce Holmes: I can’t talk about that now! I’m focused on AliSSHHH!! I may not respect her but I won’t over look her either.

Amira: OK, it’s all business. Back to Ali… shhh? Yeah, that. She picked up the win against Tommy Knox to advance to the second round. What did you think of the match? Were you at all impressed?

Deuce Holmes: I mean I guess I was impressed with how much Knox embarrassed himself compared to how bad I imagined he would. Everyone knows Tommy can’t wrestle chicks unless they’re… D… T… SSHH!!

Amira: Yeah, I noticed that. Your match… well, every match at round 2 will be contested inside a steel cage. Is that an advantage or disadvantage for you?

He pauses for a moment with an expression of utmost seriousness.

Deuce Holmes: Last week in a span of five days I wrestled three hardcore matches. One was a SAW DeathMatch in which my opponent lost a finger and Lavinia lost a tooth! I’ve always been down with your more hardcore version of professional wrestling which is probably why I made it through round one. Steel Cage? My home away from home.

Amira: What’s the most brutal match you’ve been in?

Deuce Holmes: That SAW Deathmatch last Saturday night versus James Donovan of the Omega Academy. We’ve been at each other’s throats for fourteen years and at the end of that match, we shook hands. If he didn’t shake my hand I wouldn’t have given him his finger back. Hey Amira, did you happen to hear what happened right before that match?

Amira: No… go on…

Deuce Holmes: Well there’s an inferior interviewer here named Lisa Seldon. First I cost her the match against the eventual winner of the tournament. And then, I washed her dirty mouth out with soap!

Amira: Heh thank you but to be fair, I think Lisa is doing well with her bracket. In terms of the soaping, well… you did warn her. Anyway, I saw you tweet about the KO Kliq the other day – what’s that about?

Holmes ignores her question and carries on ranting about Lisa.

Deuce Holmes: Warn Lisa Seldon? Imagine that. You can’t tell that one a thing…she has to be shown!

Just then, Lisa Seldon walks up behind Holmes. She is holding a short glass bottle of Coca-Cola.

Amira: Um, Deuce…

Deuce Holmes: I mean the OWF Universal Champion, CWC Trios Champ and some other champ in Sammy the Sexbot’s KFV… at my mercy… gagging on half a bottle of Ajax! I can’t believe you didn’t hear about that – much less witness it live!!!

Lisa drains the last of her cola. With a wry smile, she flips the bottle, catches it by the neck and brings it down hard against the base of Deuce’s skull!! He drops to one knee and she smashes the rest of the bottle on top of his head! As he falls to the ground, she grabs a handful of broken glass and stuffs his mouth full of it, then strikes him in the face repeatedly – practically making him chew on broken glass! Satisfied, Lisa connects with a final kick to the gut and blows a kiss towards Amira as she wanders off.

Amira: Bye?





  • American Tommy [U.S.A] vs QT Reese [Newfoundland]

The steel cage was lowered down  for the first time this evening. QT and Tommy began by having a duel without the pistols on opposite sides of the cage. They then ran at one another. QT attempted to yank Tommy’s hair with a running start to rip it from the scalp and throw him down. Except Tommy had no hair, not counting his foot hair so this move was unaffective. Tommy then responded instantly with a Yoyo Toss Salad, but he did not toss QT’s salad just laid him out without his juice in the middle of the ring.

Tommy then went to climb up the cage to escape, and he quite comfortably got to the top of the cage, he would have flipped over to the other side, and climbed down for victory, but QT was crafty, and he pulled out a One Direction vinyl even though it is 2018, and he threatened to burn it.

Tommy was not going to accept this threat lying down, so he prayed looking up to the skies to Professor Dumbledore, and then jumped off the cage for an insane elbow drop on QT Reese. QT completely no sold the spot, and got back up instantly burping, and then wafting the scent towards Tommy.

Tommy told him to brush his teeth, QT said he had and Tommy wondered what toothpaste he was using. Tommy then hurled an insult QT’s way about the dry burger he ate earlier in the week. QT told him to learn how to BBQ and moisten a patty properly. Tommy did not have time for that and instead of singing his beloved 1D began singing the chorus for Fuck You by Cee Lo Green, while QT began dancing to Toxic by Britney Spears.

The referee in the middle of the ring wondered what any of this had to do with the actual match. QT agreed and then low blowed Tommy followed with a DDT. He then hopped on up the top rope, and went for a Reverse Bonzai drop for the BROWN STAR PRESS covering Tommy for the victory


TIME: 9:02


Pixie: I never really know what quite to expect when I watch either American Tommy or QT Reese. Whatever it is, they thoroughly knocked my socks off, and sent my baby to kick with excitement inside my tummy. Kudos to Mr. Reese marches on in the tournament. I’m sure his father the greatest grocer in Newfoundland will be extremely proud.


  • #9 KIMITSU ZOMBIE [North Korea] vs Qiang Chen [China]

The crowd were hot as hell and excited for the return of Qiang Chen back in to the tournament. Loud continuous Chen chants were rocking around the open air of Alpine. Qiang appeared slightly fatigued having survived the second chance battle royal earlier but he was up for a fight. Kimitsu however was not enthused by the triumphant return of Chen, and shut him and the crowd right down with a Groin Claw which seriously hurt the inner dumplings of Chen. She then began a standing barrage of attacks, from a Shotei, to a Kicking combination, followed by a Head Lock with Punches.

Kimitsu then hopped on up the cage, and went to climb up it, but the resiliency of Qiang knew no bounds, as he recuperated from all the strikes he recieved, soaring up the cage and then delivering a death defying Jīnsè suì (Golden Spike) Tombstone Pile Driver on Kimitsu off the top of the cage.

He went for the cover, but Kimitsu KICKED out just before 3. Qiang then feeling the after effects of performing such a move, went to crawl towards the cage door, as it was opened and Qiang saw the light to reach Round Three. Kimitsu however despite feeling the brunt of the Piledriver, groggily got to her feet, and as Chen was crawling slugishly towards the door to escape, she hit a kick to Chen knee whilst he was bent over. She then pummelled him with an axe kick to the back of his head, knocking him out with a BANZAI GOD KICK. She went for the cover, but CHEN KICKED OUT.

The crowd were stunned, and so was Kimitsu, she sticks her tongue out yelling, frustrating, and then hit a Standing Frankensteiner on Chen and went for another pin attempt, but Chen KICKED OUT AGAIN for the second time. They both then got up to their feet, and Qiang went to reach for his trusty Maotai bottle to deliver a Maotai Mist onto Kimitsu. Kimitsu however prevented him from even taking a sip, snatching the bottle out of his hand, and smashing the bottle over his head, as shards of glass and alcohol went everywhere. Qiang dropped to the floor, and Kimitsu gingerly went towards the cage door, and walked out to secure the victory.


TIME: 7:56


Pixie: The dream of Qiang Chen was dashed yet again. The crowd are dejected but the smart instincts of Kimitsu Zombie paid off, as she becomes the first person on the night to win via escaping the cage, and will now be advancing to the next Round.




  • Finn Whelan and Phoenix [Europe/Oceania]

Phoenix: “It is great pleasure to introduce the Ignition Champion of the very company I co-run, theeeeee infamous Fouuuur Corners Wrestling and someone who has been kicking ass in the Quag Cup tournament while also making people butt hurt when dragging them on social media. Definitely one of my favorite wrestlers to watch in action and definitely easy on the eyes, give it up for Fiiiinn Whelan!”

Phoenix applauds while beaming at Finn as the cameraman zooms in a bit on Finn before slowly zooming out to get both of them back in the frame.

Phoenix: “So happy that you could join me today and I must say that you’ve been on a roll in the tournament. Now, the fans are a bit curious about something though. What was your initial thought when you heard about the Quag Cup. Did you take it seriously considering how Alessandro can be at times?”

Finn Whelan: “I know that Alessandro can be a bit of a disaster at times, and you’re never really sure if he’s coming from a place of pure obnoxiousness for the sake of being obnoxious or if he’s being fairly serious. I can’t imagine, and I didn’t at the time either, that he would open his house up to several people, some of them he doesn’t even know, and create a tournament just to say, ‘fuck it, I’m going to do this enormous event because why the fuck not?’ Not something of this scale. I know sometimes he flies by the seat of his pants, but yeah, I took it seriously. A lot of competitors didn’t. Look where they are.”

Phoenix: “Now did you expect the Quag Cup to get this big or to even go this route with being as successful as it currently is at the moment?”

Finn Whelan: “I suspected it’d be about sixteen, twenty people. Something around that number. I didn’t expect it to be in the forties. But it’s tournament season too — everyone wants a piece of the pie. This isn’t an exception, even if a majority of it is done on Twitter. In fact, the sell of this tournament being done [i]solely[/i] through Twitter without additional promotion . . . that’s something you never hear of. And it’s probably why it’s so damn huge as it is.”

Phoenix: “Being a wrestler in WWH, a place that gets alot of jokes made about them, how do you feel that you are able to show people that a person is sometimes not defined or limited by the place people used to know them by before they ventured out to other wrestling companies. Like for example, people can’t really say your success in WWH is nothing when you have been very successful in 4CW, correct?”

Finn Whelan: “Fuck WWH.”

There is silence from both of them. Finn obviously is agitated over the name of the company, and even having to talk about it right now. He rolls his eyes rather petulantly and exhales through his nose.

Finn Whelan: “Literally, fuck them. I spent a year in that company. Not a month, not four, not six. I spent a year in that company, virtually undefeated, and rose to the top of it. The place you wrestle defines you, certainly. It’s what makes people recognize you for what you are. Yeah, 2018, I walked into two different companies — one being ours — and I went through spades and spades of hearing, ‘Oh Finn, you’re the champion in WWH — that means nothing to the big kids’. From Seth Daniels, to billboarded names that everyone knows like Emery Layton and Terry McKenna. Everyone used that against me. Clearly, the fact that I’m sitting in front of you as the 4CW Ignition Champion, that ‘brand’ on my name neither hindered me, nor did any harm. I went through it. I listened to the jokes. I defended my stance. And what did they do? They throw me and my sister in a match against each other at their Deathmatch-style tournament because they’re fucking jealous that we’re getting recognition outside of their less-than-spectacular.”

He turns his head to the camera and flips it off with a well defined and pushed middle finger.

Finn Whelan: “I know you wouldn’t be caught dead watching this tournament, Hart, but fuck your childishness, fuck you and fuck your company.”

Phoenix: “You seem to be hit by hostile competitors whenever you try to speak logic to people on social media concerning the tournament. How do you often feel when you have to put someone in the tournament in their place?”

Finn Whelan: “I won’t lie. It gets old after a while. I swear up and down that I get the same phrases from every opponent I face. Look at Gonsalves for this tournament. Look at Lockheart at 4CW for Ante Up. It’s like they’re the same fuckin’ person. I think they look at who I am as this weedy Irish kid that clearly doesn’t bulk themselves to high heaven and proclaim they’re studying material every day and doing everything they can to make sure they win. They think, ‘well this shite is gonna be easy’. Nothing is easy with me. Since January, I’ve taken this shit more seriously than anything and it’s paid off. I’m not going to lie. From here, the competition just gets more steep, and in the end, I just like sitting there at the end of it, in the back after the match being able to go, ‘Hah, I win’.”

Phoenix: “Moving on to the whole Auburn Cox controversy… do you believe that her deactivating was because things had gotten way out of hand with the cruelty or do you view her as someone who just lacks a thick skin??”

Finn Whelan: “Cox couldn’t argue a toy out of a cereal box, so to be perfectly honest, she liked to talk shit because she was invited to Colony and thought that was going to buy her a ticket through the tournament. But it was clear, even in that match, that she was outgunned. She brought her frustrations out publicly, and ran for the fucking hills when she got her ass handed to her by Alessandro. That’s just being unable to be professional, and just like WWH, rather childish.”

Phoenix: “Also, while on the subject about people lacking thick skins… what do you think about all of the titty babies complaining about the tournament with the participants warring against each other on social media?”

Finn Whelan: “This is fuckin’ wrestling. We work together as solid units to provide the best show for everyone, regardless of our personal feelings toward someone. At the end of the day, the product that we put out is what ups the entertainment value. When we war with one another on social media, it’s to bring hype to our matches and to ourselves. If we didn’t do that, if we didn’t sit there and be fuckwits to each other, this tournament wouldn’t have gone the way it did. So those pissbabies out there, whining about the people being dicks to each other? They can go right to hell and get out of that Politically Correct zone.”

Phoenix: “Megan Treamon… someone you have stated that you not only want to lose to Kaelan but also deactivate just like Auburn has. What is your perception of her?”

Finn Whelan: “Treamon is a loser. Plain and simple. She talks this big game, but she scrapes by with just barely the minimum to prevail and even then, she can barely win in WWH. Kaelan is going to wipe the floor with her, and then ‘Rumble’ Reyes is going to squash her following her getting flattened here. She’s going to be a purple pancake, and then when she realizes she’s trash because no one is going to feed her anything, she can walk off to the dredges of the companies like Pissler and Cox. There are a lot of people I wish would deactivate, if not on Twitter, then in life.”

Phoenix: “Alot of fans are saying this tournament is for sure yours for the taking. What are your plans for the money won?”

Finn Whelan: “Nah. It’s not mine for the taking, although I will be pushing forward as far as I can go. I’m not so conceited that I’m going to put down everyone else’s talents. However, I make enough with the generous paycheck I get from Four Corners and Union Battleground combined, so whatever I’m making here I’m putting back for my twins. Zoey and Kieran are going to be even more spectacular than their parents, and I’m betting their college funds are going to be needing to be very padded, if you get my drift. So AQ, basically, is paying for my kids too. Thanks Alessandro!”

Phoenix: “And finally… any closing words you’d like to say to the fans, Quag Cup participants or just anyone in general?”

Finn Whelan: “Yeah, why not? To the fans watching this, thanks for always supporting me and also supporting some of the best damn wrestlers I’ve seen in my almost two years professionally. To my fam, sitting out there, I’m winnin’ this one for y’all — and if I lose, hey, thanks for supporting me anyway. To the other participants, good luck tonight. Winners? I’ll see you next time. Losers? So sad, too bad, there’s always next year. And finally, one more time . . . Fuck WWH. And always, boss, thanks Phoenix.”


  • #16 MONGOOSE [Skull Island] vs Rumble Reyes [Wakanda]

The beginning of the match started rather amicably. Mongoose and Rumble sat down in the middle of the ring, which for Rumble still looked like he was standing up because he was an absolute beast. Rumble braided Mongoose’s hair, while Mongoose attempted to do the same for Rumble, but he had a skin fade so this was hard to do. Mongoose, then attempted to braid Rumble’s eyebrow, but accidentally snagged a hair.

This caused Rumble to go mental, and he began beating the shit out of Mongoose for plucking a eyebrow hair. He drilled Mongoose face first into the steel mesh of the cage, and then treated his skin like a cheesegrate against the razor edge of it, cutting Mongoose open. With blood all over his face, Mongoose then responded with running his hand down the back of his tights, and then putting his hand in Rumble mouth’s for a Stink Palm. Rumble was disgusted by this and bit Mongoose’s hand, almost chopping it off with his teeth to break the hold, and then going for a Reverse Spin Scoop Powerslam almost shattering Mongoose in pieces with a Tour of The Islands!

Rumble could have easily walked out of the steel cage door to victory, but instead he chose to torment Mongoose more, lifting him up and going wild with Mongoose locked in a Torture Rack. Mongoose was close to giving up, and almost dead. Until some monkeys in the crowd began rallying him up for the love of Skull Island.

Mongoose then got in touch with his inner King Kong, resisted the pain, crawled out of the hold and went for a Cobra Killer Curb Stomp, but Rumble caught him in mid air for a Richter 9 Powerbomb straight through the cage wall, ripping straight through it, causing Mongoose to crash onto the canvas feet first, to pick up the win.


TIME: 6:59


Pixie: Oh My. Controversy here. Rumble Reyes dominated Mongoose from start to finish, yet with his own Powerbomb… Rumble has managed to inadvertently give Mongoose one of the most unlikeliest of wins to advance to the next round. The crowd here are stunned, Rumble is stunned, I am stunned, and I’m pretty sure Mongoose is unconscious and he has no clue what just happened. 




Cameras come alive to Kaelan Laughlin in one of the massive living areas in Alessandro’s estate. She is in her full ring gear, ready to go for her match later. She’s pacing anxiously as she waits. The doors come open and in walks three people that make Kaelan stop pacing and a grin spread across her face widely. She immediately runs to them and hugs them. First she hugs the woman Catorina Price, her best friend and wife to the man she hugs next, Oliver Price her older brother and lastly she hugs the last man. Callum Price her younger brother but only by three years.

Kaelan Laughlin: “I’m so excited you guys are here. Thank you for coming.”

Catorina Price: “Of course we would come. You alright? You were pacing. I can tell.”

Kaelan nodded her head and tucked her hair behind her ear. She looked down at the floor and laughed under her breath before looking back up at the three.

Kaelan Laughlin: “Been doing this for over a year and I can’t lie. I still get nervous before matches. I’m sure of myself being able to win, but there’s always that chance I could lose. There’s a million dollars on the line. Not to mention being the Number One Seed. I can’t go home in my first match.”

Cat put a hand on Kaelan’s shoulder and nodded her head sympathetically towards her.

Callum Price: “Yeah, that would be pretty fucked huh?”

The wind was quickly driven out of Cal’s lungs by an elbow to his ribs from the eldest of the Price siblings, who shot him a glare a long with it.

Oliver Price: “Did Cat not teach you anything? You’re supposed to be visualizing a win not a loss. Not to this dumb cunt. Just relax alright. Carrick says the lass is absolute shite even after spending time workin with the people he’s associated with. Nothing to fret about at all.”

Kaelan looked at her older brother and smiled with a happy nod. Satisfied with what he said, and giving a smug smirk to Cal who still had a hand on his ribs. The door opened behind them and a little girl pushed past and jumped straight into Kaelan’s arms. It was her little sister Teagan. Kaelan squeezed her tightly picking up the 10 year old as if she weighed nothing at all.

Kaelan Laughlin: “Teags! What in the world?!”

Kaelan looked to her brother for an answer he just shrugged. Teagan grinned as she was put down.

Teagan Price: “I had to beg Ma and Oli every day until they let me come, because they never let me come to any of your matches.”

It was clear from the smile on Kaelan’s face she was most happy to see the little girl there. She kneeled down to her sister’s level to talk to her.

Kaelan Laughlin: “That’s because a lot of my matches are really violent Teagan, and sometimes I get hurt and I don’t want you to see that. So. Just letting you know. You understand I’m fighting in a Steel Cage Match. Do you know what that means?”

Teagan Price: “It means that you’re gonna hurt that other lass really bad.”

Kaelan laughed and nodded her head.

Kaelan Laughlin: “Yes but it also means that I can get hurt as well. Don’t worry. I’ll be okay. I promise.”

Immediately Oliver shot a look at both Cat and Cal, and then glanced back at the doorway. Tensing up, Oliver subtly nodded at Callum seeming to indicate that he needed a distraction as his own hand slipped underneath the hem of his shirt.

Callum Price: “Teagan you’re a bit early for the surprise aren’t y-”

Just before Oliver made it to the door it flew open, just barely missing from hitting him in the face. In bounded the usually calm and unflinching Dylan O’Brien, clearly in search of the little girl. When his eyes found her he visibly relaxed and grumbled at her under his breath.

Dylan O’Brien: “Nugget…”

The tone of his voice hinted displeasure but it went no farther than that as his eyes drifted upward along a distantly familiar figure, meeting the eyes of Ireland’s number one contender, holding her gaze for a few long moments before clearing his throat.

Dylan O’Brien: Right… my mistake. I’ll just wait outside…

An uncomfortable silence washed over the group. Kaelan clenched her jaw and narrowed her eyes at Oliver. Cat wouldn’t look up from the floor.

Kaelan Laughlin: “You weren’t fucking invited.”

Teagan Price: “Kae! He’s here to watch me. Oli said it was the only way I could come. Be nice!”

Kaelan shook her head and rolled her eyes with a sigh before putting a smile on her face, and turning her attention back to Teagan.

Kaelan Laughlin: “Well Teags. My match is coming up soon. You should get to your seats. Got you a really special one. Right in the front. Make sure you thank Alessandro too.”

Kaelan nudged Teagan towards the door as the smile disappeared from her face towards her family. Cat didn’t want to be part of it anymore, as indicated by the way she grabbed Teagan’s hand and lead her out the door. Once they were out of the door, Oli turned her attention back to his sister as did Cal.

Callum Price: “Fucks sake Kae. That was brutal.”

Immediately Oli stepped in.

Oliver Price: “But now your mind should be focused on maiming the little edgy cunt. Get it done, Kaelan.”

He walked forward and embraced Kaelan for half a moment before letting her go. Cal did the same thing and then immediately headed for the door. Oliver followed closely behind, glancing back at the last moment giving her the opportunity she always seems to lust after. Having the last word.

Kaelan Laughlin: “I got this. Don’t worry about me. Megan won’t even see it coming. Making her stupid little jokes about what Pa used to call me. She’s messed with the wrong cunt.”

She smirked smugly as Oliver nodded and waved closing the door behind them leaving Kaelan alone in the room. She turned towards the camera.

Kaelan Laughlin: “Tonight I’m going to show you just why I’m the Number One Seed of this entire bloody tournament. Tonight I use Megan Treamon to set the example for just how brutal and how far I am willing to go to secure my place at the top. From start to finish. I hope you’ve enjoyed me carrying you up until this point Megan, because tonight? I’m dropping you. Free ride is over, cunt.”

Kaelan winked at the camera before heading towards the door her family just went out of. Leaving the scene to fade on the room.







  • #6 JOE STANTON [Norway] vs #10 NICK SANDERSON [Israel]

The ring crew were working tirelessly to fix the Steel Cage wall that had been destroyed followed the Rumble Reyes and Mongoose encounter and had managed to fix it just in the Nick of time for Sanderson and Stanton. Pun intended.

Joe was embodying everything about his Norse spirit in honor of his grandfather, while Nick was excited to get things lit like a Menorah on the 8th night of Hannukah.

Joe then went to RELEASE THE KRAKEN! On Nick, but Nick was far more wise than to be defeated by a sea monster, because he was swimming with sharks proverbially not literally. Nick went straight from a Running Knee Lift into a Neckbreaker Slam known as the HotZone. Joe then retaliated hitting a Rock’n’Roll Suplex straight into the steel cage, as Nick’s body bounced off the cage like a basketball.

Joe then thought about climbing up the cage, for a total of 0 seconds, due to his acute fear of heights known as acrophobia, opting instead to go for the steel cage door to escape, but Nick was brought back to life to prevent this from happening, with a Chimeraxplex, a German into a Draging ending in a Straight Jacket suplex known as the NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical). He went for a cover, but Joe KICKED OUT!

Joe then got to his feet, and clubbed Nick at the back of his head with a Spinning Back Fist known as the Black Dog, and went for a Flirtin’ With Disaster on the grounded Nick, but was unable to hit all of it, as Nick reversed it at the last second with a snap double arm ddt known as the Hazmat. He went for another, but JOE KICKED OUT AGAIN!

Sensing Nick may have been getting frustrated from the repeated pin attempts, Joe then went to capitalize when Nick least suspected it locking him in a Coquina Clutch known as the WICKED LULLABY. Nick was fading fast, as Joe held on for all his life on Nick, but just went it appeared Nick was finished and out of it, from nowhere he managed to escape the hold, hit an arm drag on Joe, and locked him in the Anaconda Vice known as the Helix, trapping Joe in the middle of the ring. Joe refused to tap, and his refusal, is what cost him, as Nick suffocated him so tight, that he passed out to signal the end of the match.


TIME: 9:32


Pixie: Nicky does it again. Joe was super good and tough as nails refusing to allow Nick to obtain a pinfall victory. So Nicky had to dig deep and pull out all the stops, if you can’t beat them on the mat, choke them out. Nick as he always does in big moments persevered. He won’t be sleeping on the sofa tonight.


  • #4 ANNA MATHEWS [Arcadia] vs Lara Chambers [Purgatory]

Both ladies were full of respect for one another, and began chatting like they were at a bus stop or waiting for their Uber to go to the nearest coffee shop to have a good natter. The referee wondered if they knew they were meant to fight it out, both ladies glared at him knowing exactly what needed to be done, just choosing to take a completely fresh approach about it.

Whilst they were in the middle of a social session, and exchanging phone number to hang out after the match, Lara decided to introduce Anna to another friend of hers, as she pulled it out from behind her back. A baseball bat, wrapped in barb wire. Lara then winked at Anna, and then bashed her over the head with it, slicing her face up instantly, as blood came flowing out of Anna at a rapid rate.

Lara then hopped on up the steel cage, climbing up it at her leisure while Anna attempted to recuperate. Not knowing where she fully was, blinded by the blood, Anna sensed Lara was getting close to victory, so she bolted up the cage blindly, for a multiple revolution tilt-awhirl headscissors twisted into a takedown off the top of the cage for a ANNA TO THE INFINITE POWER. This caused Lara to crash and burn on the mat, having recieved a towel from the ref, she wiped her face up, and was able to rub vaseline on her cuts to minimise the bleeding.

Anna then climbed up the torp turnbuckle for a Corkscrew shooting star press known as Cake or Death? She went for the cover, but Lara KICKED OUT at two and a half. Lara then used the kick out to wrap Anna into a elevated double chickenwing facebuster known as the SLAUGHTERED LAMB.

However, Anna knew the words to BA BA BLACK SHEEP, and while this offered her no help in this situation, after a period of time, she managed to frustrate Lara with her refusal to give up which caused her to break the hold. Lara then went to pulverize Anna, with a series of move after move. A hanging scoop slam, a tornado ddt, a tarantula against the steel mesh, a running knee smash, a bitch slap, and a catapult drop kick where all delivered making Anna see nickels.

Yet despite being dazed and all over the place, from literally nothing Anna was able to his a butterfly kick known as the Boomerfly Kick that completly knocked out Lara and rendered her unconscious. But having being involved in a absolute mugging from Lara, just to be on the safe side, Anna hit a no hands springboard corkscrew 630° senton known as the BURNING DESTINY: INCINERATE! Covering Lara for the 3 COUNT!

TIME: 7:58


Pixie: These Ladies gave it their all, and Lara threw everything at Anna Mathews including the kitchen sink at her. Lara busted up Anna real good, but Anna managed to have the wherewithall, and all it took was one momentary lapse of concentration for Anna to hit a devastating butterfly kick, and then assure the win with an acrobatic move to march on in the #QuagCup. Congratulations Miss Mathews!




  • Bryan Williams and Angelica Vaughn [Americas]

Angelica Vaughn: Mr. Williams, thank you very much for agreeing to speak with me. I know your time is precious, so I’ll try and be brief. In the first round, we saw you beating Chris Matthews, like you said you would. There were quite a few other matches however, what do you feel was the biggest upset of the night, not just in the Americas bracket, but in the tournament overall?

The interview was interrupted by a telephone call from Alessandro Quagliaterre.

Alessandro: Hello who is this?

Angelica Vaughn: It’s Angie, you rang me Mr. Q?

Alessandro: I was trying to ring Julliet Brooks

Angelica Vaughn: Huh?

Alessandro: Nevermind not important, what you doing?

Angelica Vaughn: Was trying to do an interview with Bryan Williams, but he didn’t show.

Alessandro: That’s heavy.

Angelica Vaughn: What do I do?

Alessandro: We improv’, just ask me the questions as if I were Bryan.

Angelica Vaughn: Very well then, next round you face fan-favorite Mariano Fernandez, someone you’ve criticized vocally, some would say to the point of abuse. Now, I’m not here to judge, but how come you have such a big problem with him, considering he is one of the most popular stars in wrestling today?

Alessandro: Why are you asking me I’m not Bryan.

Angelica Vaughn: But you just SAID!

Alessandro: You’re right. I did. Carry on.

Angelica Vaughn: Defeating Manny would certainly be a huge feather in your cap. What other stars do you think will get far in this tournament, and who would you like to face in the final, should you make it that far?

Alessandro: Bryan needs to look at his opponents one step at a time, which I am sure someone of his level will do. He obviously is justified of being confident in his abilities, and has the capability of going all the way, just as the other 24 remaining in the competition do.

Angelica Vaughn: I’m not sure how much scouting you intend to do, but how closely will you be following the other round 2 matches?

Alessandro: I don’t need to follow nothing, I have the privilege of being the first to see the unaired version live via satellite from my Los Angeles home.

Angelica Vaughn: Something I’ve always wondered, how much do you enjoy the twitter aspect of wrestling? You’re known as one of the most brutal trash talkers on the medium, is that something you take pride in? And do you think that gives you a mental advantage before most of your matches even start?

Alessandro: Social Media is the best, dunno if Bryan loves it. Gotta Run. Have to make a few telephone bids on this Charity Auction coming up tonight. Ta ta. Auf Wiedersehen.

Angelica Vaughn: That’s German. I thought you were Italian?

Alessandro had already hung up.


  • #5 FINN WHELAN [Ireland] vs Owen Gonsalves [Australia]

Despite the harsh words share on social media between one another, this contest was a lot closer than expected. The technical prowess of Owen shone throughly brightly in the beginning, as he went for a headlock, cravate, a wristlock, a hammerlock, and a dragon screw leg whip.

Finn however, was no slouch, and despite Owen’s tactical masterpiece of wearing him down, Finn had balls of steels. And rather than allowing Owen to go through a total list of every move in his arsenal Finn fought back with a Kimura Lock known as The Underdog, which caught Owen in all kinds of trouble. Finn was close to popping Owen’s arm off, and only due to his veteran instinct, Owen was able to safely escape, but he acknowledge Finn’s intuition to think of such a counter.

Owen showed off his intuition, by hitting a Snap Dragon Suplex known as Paroxysm with Finn flying into the steel cage wall, and he followed this up with a Bicycle Knee to the seated Finn for the Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike, which ricochets Finn again into the steel cage wall, causing him into a spot of bother.

Owen then decided to start climbing up the cage, and after about ten seconds reached the top. Owen contemplated whether to simply drag himself down, and go for victory. However he got a sudden urge to go for an insane spot. He was feeling froggy, and like a frog he went for the jugular jumping off the top of the cage for a WILD FROG SPLASH on Finn. The crowd bust out a HOLY SHIT chant, as Owen rolled away after hitting the move feeling it fully just as much as it must have hurt Finn. He then dragged his arm over Finn, and seemingly had the 3 count, but FINN KICKED OUT!

Finn then having had enough of Owen getting the better of him, decided to release his inner Wolf, from the Wolves of Gheimhridh. First he prowled on Owen with a Lifting Underhook DDT known as the TITIM CEANN, and then followed this up by almost bashing Owen’s neck off his body with a Seattle Terror CURB STOMP.

Sensing he had Owen on the ropes and completely rocked, he allowed Owen to dance back to his feet, only to send him to Church with a devastating pump handle slam from The Bitter End known as REVELATION 6:4! Finn covered, and picked up the three!


TIME: 11:11


Pixie: My oh my. Owen Gonsalves certainly proved his worth, but in the end, worth can only matter to a point, against the ever dangerous Finn Whelan. Finn who recently decided to leave a particular company, seems to have a new lease on life, unshackled, unrestrained. This is a serious danger for anyone still left in the tournament. Commiserations to Owen who put up a hell of a fight, but the Finn Whelan show is well and truly still underway.


  • Betsy Granger and Lisa Seldon [Fictional]

Lisa Seldon: So, Betsy. What is time?

Betsy Granger: People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint – it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff. That’s a quote from a rather wise man. I hope he doesn’t mind me borrowing it for the sake of answering this question.

Lisa rolls her eyes. This was a joke question and she did not want an answer.

Lisa Seldon: So before entering the Quag Cup, you’d taken a long time away from the ring. What was it that drove you away and what eventually dragged you back?

Betsy Granger: I became overwhelmed. I had entered into a level of competition I was neither mentally or physically prepared for and it took it’s toll on me. I felt stepping away was the best option. I reflected on what made me weak, I trained harder than ever and eventually, I reached a point where I decided it was time to try again. I’m not a fan of quitting, so leaving things as they were with the industry was never an option.

Lisa Seldon: Riley is a real hot ticket right now. She’s making a name everywhere she goes and she just won the Paragon World Championship. What has a win like that done for your confidence.

Betsy Granger: Facing a competitor with the talent and intensity as Riley was a learning experience I needed. The fact that I managed to steal a victory from someone as accomplished as she’s become in such a short amount of time was exactly the boost I needed. It was hard fought and the first time I was ever in a situation where I had to put aside my methodical planning and run on instinct. The fact that my instincts led me to victory was a reward to a rather rough week of back and forth between us on Twitter promoting the match.

Lisa Seldon: How awful is Deuce Holmes? Something has definitely died in that beard. What do you think it was, other than his humanity?

Betsy Granger: Who?

Lisa Seldon: The beard cunt. Talks a lot of shit. Tried to murder me that one time.

Betsy Granger: I’ll take your word for it; But anyone named Deuce seems like they have the potential to be a very particular brand of douche. Deuce the Douche? Make it happen. As for what died in his beard… Perhaps a family of rats that he was trying to train to be his henchmen?

Lisa Seldon: As the Quag Cup has progressed, it’s gained a lot of detractors. There are people out there on the sidelines who’d argue this is the wrong direction to take the sport. What’s your take on the Quag Cup? Are you still happy to be apart of it, or is this something you don’t think you’ll look back on fondly?

Betsy Granger: You and I both know that people will find anything to bitch about because their own lives suck so much ass. Myself, I’m quite happy to be a part of a tournament that features such a wide variety of talent and diversity. Perhaps the host himself is a bit of a turd from time to time, and this event is an attempt to stroke his own ego… But the event itself is quite fun. I’m taking it in stride and using it as an opportunity to put my name out there more than it is now. This is a chance to let other companies and their rosters know that Betsy Granger is back and she’s ready to claim the world.

Lisa Seldon: If we’re being brutally honest, you’re not one of the favourites for this tournament. All the same, a lot of people have fallen away and here you are still going. What do you think your limit is in this tournament? How far will be far enough for you?

Betsy Granger: I’m still not one of the favorites for this tournament, even with the first round done and over with. Fact is, every tournament I’ve take part it thus far, I’ve made it to the second round, and no further. My goal for the #QuagCup is to break that 2nd Round Curse and perhaps make it to the semi-finals. I’d love the win the entire thing, of course, but I’m taking it one step at a time.

Lisa Seldon: Say this is the end for you in this tournament. What’s next for Betsy?

Betsy Granger: Continue establishing myself as a skillful and competent competitor. I know there are those who still doubt my ability to grow and my staying power due to my first failed attempt in the business. What they don’t seem to realize is I took that time to grow and I continue to grow more every day. I’m destined for great things. I won’t stop until I have achieved every goal I set for myself. Betsy is here to stay.





  • #13 JETT WILDER [Wilder Nation] vs Betsy Granger [Dorne]

The match began by Jett asking Betsy if she wanted to have a burger eating contest after her claims for being a Whopper Champion. Betsy tried to explain this had nothing to do with actual burgers but Jett did not listen. The maids and butlers of the estate then bombarded through the cage door, and brought a ton of burgers into the ring from Burger King and set it up on a table. The referee wondered why neither competitor didn’t just quickly run out of the open steel cage door to win the match. Jett then boastfully claimed he was going to eat more burgers in under a minute than Betsy, a claim which she refuted. The referee then found himself roped in for being timekeeper for this burger eating contest.

Just as they were about to get underway eating the burgers, while Betsy took a minor bite out of her burger. Jett ditched the burgers, and tried to very sneakily, run up the cage under the guise of everyone’s watchful eyes. As he was climbing, Betsy decided to stop him in his tracks by throwing burgers at Jett. Jett told Betsy it was not good to waste food when people are dying of poverty the world over, and that Betsy should quit playing. He continued to climb up, but the grease from the burgers had sprayed onto the steel mesh, which caused his foot to slip and he fell down back into the ring. Betsy wasted no time attacking Jett with a Cobra Clutch Legsweep known as the Stop and Drop. She then told the referee to remove all the remaining burgers out of the ring, which he did opening the steel cage door and giving it to a helper, who quickly cleared up the mess.

With the door wide open, neither competitor saw the golden opportunity to escape the cage for a second time, which left the official baffled. Betsy then grabbed Jett, and sent him through the table which was still in the ring with a Snapmare driver known as Brain Games.

Jett had splinters coming out of his ass as a result of this, and rolled around the floor in pain. Betsy went to cover for the 3 count, but Jett astonishingly KICKED OUT!

Betsy could not believe her eyes, and neither could Jett, as bits of wood from the table were making his butt sore. He rolled around trying to pluck them out. Meanwhile, Betsy decided to climb the cage, of which Jett then mustered the strength to go follow her up the cage very slowly.

They both then reached the top, and exchanged blows with one another. Both then stood up at the top of the cage, and ran towards each other to hit the final blow. Jett out of nowhere managed to hit a flush Bicycle Kick known as GOTCHA onto Betsy’s chin, sending her crashing down back into the middle of the ring. He took himself out in the process, as he crash landed aswell, but crucially he did so on the outside of the cage falling onto the ringside floor to WIN!


TIME: 10:00


Pixie: In an insane spot, Jett Wilder has done it. He sacrificed himself going for broke, and it paid off, but does he even know what he just did. He’s knocked out one of the stars of the tournament in Betsy Granger. Alessandro will be fuming I’m sure, and Jett will probably never let him forget about it. Take nothing away from Betsy who gave it her all and can be proud of what she achieved. However… Congratulations to Jett, Wilder Nation rocks on.


  • #8 MARIANO FERNANDEZ [Argentina] vs Bryan Williams [U.S.A]

There was much bad blood between Manny and Bryan and this was evident at the start of the match as they began bashing each other’s head like they were in a boxing match. Bryan got the better of the exchange due to his hybrid wrestling style. He followed this up with a forearm smash, a elbow smash, and a european uppercut which almost sent Manny packing all the way back to Argentina. Bryan then sent him back to south of the equator metaphorically, as he drilled Manny face first into the steel cage wall which caused him to flip back and fall dead center in the middle of the ring. Bryan then climbed up to the turnbuckle, rather than going all the way up the cage, and hit a Top Rope Double Stomp. He went to cover Manny, but he KICKED OUT!

He got back up, and caught Bryan with a spinning wheel kick, and followed it with a Pele Kick which got Bryan rocked, and then he completed it with a Step-Up Enzuigiri known as The Gadfly. He then positioned Bryan’s arms together and looked at the crowd outside the cage. He threw one of his elbows pads over the cage and into the crowd. He waved his arms about, and then ran at the ropes, bouncing back towards Bryan, stopping his step, shouting out SKYRIM FOR THE NORDS and than hitting a Peoples Elbow known as The Stormcloak Elbow. He went for the cover, but Bryan KICKED OUT!

Manny then went for a Asian Mist followed by a Shining Wizard combination for the Trollface. But before he could yell out PROBLEM? to initiate the move, Bryan ducked out the way, and Asian Mist the referee.

Bryan looked at him calling him a idiot, while Manny said it was a accident mang. Bryan meanwhile went to go climb up the cage, Manny chased after him, and barely a few feet up from the ring, Manny swiped Bryan down, and Bryan very oddly appeared to be knocked out?

Manny then decided to capitalize, and climbed up the cage step by step, reaching the top. He then thought about sliding down on the outside of the cage for victory, but he had a better idea. To be theatrical.

Looking down at the fallen Bryan who still strangely was out cold from a simple takedown off the cage, Manny decided to stand up high at the top of the cage, looked down menacingly at Bryan, he threw his remaining elbow pad into the crowd. He yelled out FOR THE EMPEROR to attempt to hit a Phenomenal Forearm dropping THE WARHAMMER on BRYAN!

But as Manny was flying down, Bryan suddenly came back to life, jumping back up to his feet, having played possum the entire time. Manny flew down like a rocket, and Bryan’s agility caught him flush for a Pop Up Knee Strike to a Roaring Elbow for the SHOTGUN MOUTHWASH, completly wiping Manny out.

The referee was still out also following getting Mist in his face. Bryan then decided instead of pinning or climbing up, to walk very slowly towards the cage door, and walk out step by step to victory!

TIME: 10:00


Pixie: UPSET ALERT! The unseeded Bryan Williams has knocked off the Number #8 seed Mariano Fernandez. Mariano was moments away from victory, and he had that snatched away from him when Bryan played possum brilliantly.


  • #1 KAELAN LAUGHLIN [Ireland] vs Megan Treamon [England]

Though geographically speaking, England and Ireland were close. This encounter between the two women was far from friendly. Megan mouthed off at Kaelan that she was the best, and Kaelan got irritated by this statement, charging at her for a takedown, but Megan leapfrogged over her, sending Kaelan to run almost straight into the steel cage wall, but Kaelan was smart and stopped just before hitting it. Saving herself from being embarrassed with her whole family watching on the outside. One of Kaelan’s brothers told her not to f up teasing her, this caused Kaelan to mouth back at her brother, and while she did this Megan decided to take advantage, with a eye rake and then a jumping knee drop to Kaelan winding her to her feet.

Megan then went on a multiple butt bump variation on Kaelan. First she hit a butt bump to Kaelan’s kneeling face. Second was a running butt bump to the head of Kaelan on a seated opponent, and then a Handspring cart-wheel butt bump to Kaelan in the corner. Megan then exposed her bare ass through her tights, and went to go complete the humiliation with a stinkface.

But just before her ass could connect with Kaelan’s face, Kaelan dodged out of the way, sending Megan’s ass straight into the bottom corner turnbuckle.

Kaelan’s family laughed at this from ringside, which irked Megan causing her to mouth off at them, and as she did this Kaelan got back into the match, swinging Megan around to face her and then delivering mounted punches to Megan dropping her down, allowing Kaelan to switch it up with stomps to various extremities of Megan. She then took Megan to a Suplex masterclass with a Snap, a Belly to Belly, and as Megan got groggily up to her feet and ran towards Kaelan, she caught her with a Arm Trap Exploder Suplex for the GOING OUT IN STYLE!

Feeling the momentum was good, Kaelan then gave out a warrior cry to the crowd. As she done this, Megan despite getting taken to the Irish Suplex City was trying to climb up the cage to escape.

Kaelan however was having none of that, so she dragged her down to the ring, and as she did this in desperation Megan caught her in a Rear Naked Choke for the Deanimation.

The crowd couldn’t believe it, and neither could Kaelan’s family. Kaelan was in trouble as she tried to wriggle free, but Megan was not letting go. Kaelan then attempted to shift the position and weight Megan had on her in the chokehold. She was successfully able to do this, wrapping Megan into a Four Legged Clover Submission for the IRISH ROSE! Megan had exerted all her energy with the chokehold, and Kaelan had her dead center in the middle of the ring with Megan having nowhere to go. Megan valiantly tried to resist the pain, but Kaelan bent her legs, twisting the submission applying all the pressure she possibly could, and Megan had no choice but to TAP OUT!

With the cage lifted up, Kaelan’s family rushed into the ring to celebrate, and no doubt all her family members over 21 were going to get sloshed for the mother of all Price Parties.


TIME: 10:00


Pixie: Well…well…well. I could be very respectful here and acknowledge that Megan Treamon certainly put up a hell of a showing, and that Kaelan Laughlin had to give it her all to win. BUT I’m not going to do that. Consider this Megan’s belated or upcoming birthday present depending on when this airs. Because let’s face the facts here. Treamon is only good for one thing: Being a human punching ball. Congratulations Kaelan. I hope you enjoy the party. I would join, but this bundle of joy growing inside of me is a real party pooper.


Deuce Holmes strums his ukulele and hums the tune of “99 problems” because his mouth still hurts too badly to sing, much less speak very much. Lavinia is pacing frantically behind him and keeps looking at the fresh wound on the back of his head. She is obviously very agitated as she speaks to her best friend, Katrina Mack, General Manager of Mile High Wrestling on speaker phone.

Lavinia: I can not believe he is cleared to wrestle! I don’t believe this!

Katrina Mack: Did I just hear that right? He did better on his imPACT concussion test..just now, than he did on his baseline concussion testing before the tournament even began?

Lavi looked down at Deuce who was still playing “99 problems” where without missing a beat, he transitioned into “Mama said knock you out” as if that’s just how the song went.

Lavinia: That is what the Doctor said..

Katrina Mack: Then you have to trust the doctor. And if you don’t..do you really think you can stop Deuce from wrestling Ali…SSHHH!!??

Katrina just giggled at the name Deuce had given his opponent.

Lavinia: You wouldn’t believe what I can do, Kat. But I would never want to stand in his way. He has set his mind on something, he will go through with it. It is something I admire as much as I find it scary.

Lavi made a small pause, nibbling on her bottom lip. Her eyes had wandered back to her boyfriend, who passed her a half smile. Maybe more a smirk.

Lavinia: I guess I just have to keep my eyes on him, right?

A small yellow parakeet landed on the neck of Deuce’s ukulele.

Katrina Mack: Right! And call me the second his match is over. Robert and I will be watching and rooting him on!

Lavinia: I might will remain on the phone with you while the match is going. I know Deuce makes a lot of jokes about his opponent. But as a matter of fact, she is a good fighter. And unlike him, I am not so fond on cages.

Once more she looked over at Deuce and the small bird that more or less was humming along with him. It was an obscure scenery.

Lavinia: Anyway, Kat! Love ya girl and we talk soon.

She turned to Deuce but his entire focus was upon the parakeet.

Deuce Holmes: Hey buddy! What’s your name?

Buddy The Bird: BUDDY!

He chirped confidently before continuing.

Buddy The Bird: What’s your name?

Deuce wrinkled his nose.

Deuce Holmes: You’re not a mocking bird, buddy! What’s your name?

Buddy The Bird: BUDDY! What’s your name?

Deuce Holmes: You stop that and tell me your name, buddy..

Buddy The Bird: BUDDY!! Stop that and tell me your name!

Lavinia stood over them and shook her head. She seemed amused but also slightly irritated.

Lavinia: Deuce, you two are going to drive me crazy, right?

When she said this, Buddy lifted up off the ukulele and lighted on Deuce’s shoulder.

Buddy The Bird: Doooooooose.

Lavinia: Awesome. Now I wonder who has adopted whom..

Ignoring this, Deuce asked.

Deuce Holmes: Can you say, Lavinia?

Buddy The Bird: Too pretty for you! Too pretty for you!!

Lavinia started to walk past them, patting the bird on the head softly.

Lavinia: I guess I like him.

Deuce Holmes: Me too! Sure wish I knew his name though. Maybe I’ll just call him Buddy.








  • #2 IO EUROPA [New Zealand] vs Persephone Marquis [Cuba]

Io Europa had her gameface on, and was ready to go all out against Persephone in only her second professional match, seriously amped up. Persephone was as calm as anything cocking a snook with a Raspberry (Piggy Noise) at Io’s seriousness. Persephone then walked up to Io and pointed to her chin, leaving it open, inviting Io to punch for a Free Hit.

Io was unsure what to do, and she was dumb enough to go for it. As she did, Marquis reflexed out of the way, punched Io in the face, and then stomped on her fingers, followed by targeted stomps on her knees, shoulders, lotus flower area, and tiddies. Io not knowing what hit her with her face down, then recieved a quick masseuse walk on her back by Persephone followed by a heavy step on her head.

Persephone joked with the referee how Io got the number two seed. The referee said he didn’t know anything about seeds, he wasn’t vegetarian. This allowed Io to get into the match, as after the mauling she recieved, she hopped on the top rope against the cage, and flew off it for a Springboard Punch known as the Flying Superman Punch catching Persephone off guard and knocking her down.

She then ran around the run like Speedy Gonzales, with a running forearm smash, a Running Double Foot Stomp, a Flying Soulder Tackle, a Rolling Liger Kick, and a Spear. This relentless pressure completely got Persephone twisted, expecting a much easier fight than what Io was suddenly bringing.

Io then looked at the steel cage door, and decided to walk towards it, thinking about exiting. Persephone mustered to her feet, and yawned leaning against the turnbuckles, calling Io a coward. Io forgot about exiting, and decided to remind Persephone that she was a #ByeWeekBoss with plenty of #QuagSwag and they were going to go for a picnic afterwards in her Purple People Seater. Persephone told Io her picnic could go fuck itself, as she got angry. She ran towards Persephone with the intent of punching Io right in the fucking jaw, because she was irrational and might cry from being so mad. She hit Io flush, followed by yelling at her and talking shit.

Persephone, then calming down, paced around Io waiting for her to get back up, and as she did, she went for a Shining Wizard known as the Spring Deity, but she missed as Io reversed it into a Flying Spinning Reverse STO known as the Eye Opener.

Io then looked towards the top of the cage, slowly crawling up it. She succesfully reached the top, and could have gone down for victory, but decided to go for flair instead. She looked down at Marquis and went flying like poetry in motion for a Crossbody Block on Marquis, but Persephone sensing she would be fucked if Io hit it, moved away at the last second, causing Io to crash and burn on the mat. Persephone then had the wherewithal to roll Io up for the pin and GOT IT!


TIME: 12:30


Pixie: SHOCK HORROR! We have an upset. Everyone’s favorite darling Io Europa has been stunned here by the unseeded Persephone Marquis. Io was moments away from victory, however she decided to go for it with a high risk move off the cage, and that  turned out to be the deciding factor for Persephone to steal a victory. Io Europa captured everyone’s heart in the tournament but Persephone… my oh my this lady is dangerous. First she took out Tedmund Montgomery in Round One, she’s now just taken out the Number #2 seed Io Europa. Whoever she faces in Round Three. Be Afraid. Viva La Cuba!





  • #11 ALICIA LUKAS [Syria] vs #12 DEUCE HOLMES [Japan]

Everyone sings Alicia Lukas Happy Birthday at the start of the match. The only ones who did not were the Syrian delegates in the crowd, who released a fatwa for Alicia and her scantily clothes. A bunch of the crowd then beat up on the Syrians, and a civil war broke out, followed by security quickly restraining the chaos. Alicia looks slightly embarassed not wanting much of a fuss. Deuce Holmes wants to feed Alicia a piece of cake, but Alicia just wants to get on with the match as she shoves the whole cake in his face. It was chocolate.

It looked as if Deuce shat himself, with poo all over his face except it was cake. Alicia meanwhile wanted to kick Deuce’s face off, as she sized him up with Muay Thai Knees, followed by Stiff shoot kicks which rocked him down, and then she rounded off the attack with a Springboard DDT. Completly disgusted by Deuce, Alicia then decided it was time to leave, as she began climbing up the cage, and easily made the top.

Deuce’s parakeet Buddy came out of nowhere, and pecked Alicia in the face, knocking her back down into the ring. The Quagliaterre security team, got the snipers in position ready to make the Parakeet extinct, as technically it was trespassing from the crowd, but they were given a direct order prematch that no harm could come to animals, as they were PRO PETA. So the Parakeet Buddy the Bird got away with giving Deuce an assist. It then flew back to Deuce’s lady Lavinia, and sat on her jugs minding it’s own business.

Back in the ring, Alicia held her face in pain going livid at Deuce over his bird. Deuce protested his innocence not knowing what happened and asked Alicia who gave her all the love bites on her face.  This then resulted in Alicia flipping the bird with both her hands at Deuce, and then dropping him with a Kneeling Stunner. Getting completely SLOBBER KNOCKERED sending Deuce spinning around like he was at the disco, Alicia then hit a T-Bone Exploder, crashing Deuce into the Steel Cage wall and then down on the ring mat.

Alicia then looked to finish off Deuce, waiting for him to get to his feet, and then she hoisted him up on her shoulders, and sent him up in the air, before connecting with her knee for THE GEORGIA DROP! She went for the cover, but Deuce KICKED OUT!

Alicia then walked up to the steel cage door to escape, and just as the door was opened, the Parakeet returned again to peck Alicia back into the ring, and then fly back to Lavinia. Alicia stumbled scrambling backwards towards Deuce, and OUT OF NOWHERE he hit a OSAKA STREET CUTTER. He tumbled ontop of Alicia for the cover, and got the three count!


TIME: 13:15


Pixie: This match was largely dominated by Alicia Lukas, make no mistake about it, but somehow Deuce Holmes has managed to survive. Thanks to a huge helping hand by his new Parakeet called Buddy. Buddy The Bird is the word. Haven’t you heard? The hottest star from Round One, continues to burn his flame brightly in Round Two, and looks to continue that momentum in the next round. Sorry to Alicia who brought a straight up mean streak to the tournament but Kudos to Mr. Deuce!




  • SAMMY 3.0 and Amira [Asia/Africa]

Amira: Hi Sammy, thanks for joining me today for my Asia/Africa feature interview. Congratulations on defeating Melissa Aki in the first round – even if it took a new build. Does this mean I’m speaking with Sammy 4.0? How does that work exactly?

SAMMY 3.0: Our distinctions come from our AI versions. I am AI 3.0, based upon the memories and consciousness of a young girl named Samantha West. Sammy 4.0 exists. She’s in Jersey.

Amira: Let’s go back to the beginning and talk about your origins. When were you first built and what other android relations do you have?

SAMMY 3.0: Well I answered some of this in my last response but yes, there’s four of us. I have a daughter. The original four versions were created by Tetsuo Higher Intelligence Civilian Corps. Aka, THICC. I was built in the year 2015. I spent the time between then and now wandering the world.

Amira: When did you meet your dragon lover and how long have you been together? You make a cute couple – kinda.

SAMMY 3.0: I’ve been with Kalinda for about a month now. We really hit it off. She’s patient with me and teaches me a lot. Along with Kalinda, I ended up with an entire family. So it’s win win for me. Kalinda and I both needed something. We go by the term ambiguous life partners and we live together with our family in New York.

Amira: You’ve moved in together already? It must be serious.

SAMMY 3.0: I don’t measure things like that. Humans are obsessed with the future. I live moment to moment as a romantic, making the most out of those moments. I suppose within those moments it is sometimes more serious than at other times.

Amira: Hmm profound. Going back to something you said earlier, what happened to Samantha West?

SAMMY 3.0: We are Samantha West.

Amira: Yeah but what is the human Samantha West doing now?

SAMMY 3.0: She has transcended her physical being and has become one with us. You might view it as death, but the situation is far more complex. We are Samantha West.

Amira: OK… I wouldn’t mind splitting my consciousness among some androids. They would probably win more matches than I do. How much does it cost to get that done?

SAMMY 3.0: It has no cost other then flesh. You must discover a time rift. Once you find that, you can split your consciousnesses. My time rift was in Nevada, a result of an Anna Mathews doppelganger crashing in the late nineties.

Amira: So. Many. Questions. But I’ll try and bring this back to the Quag Cup. How do you feel about second round matches being fought inside a steel cage? Good thing or bad thing?

SAMMY 3.0: Rules don’t favor me. In Japan cage matches are considered deathmatches. I’m a deathmatch wrestler, like Kalinda. If anything, this favors my skill set far more than any future rounds could.

Amira: Did anyone particularly impress you in the first round matches?

SAMMY 3.0: I was 100% focused on my match. Having said that, Mariano Fernandez is someone to look out for. The number one and four seeds are also dangerous. Holmes and Chen stole the show, though. It’s good Chen was eliminated first. If he had a different opponent he might have won the entire tournament.

Amira: It was a great main event. Have you ever fought Deuce or Chen before?

SAMMY 3.0: I have not. Something tells me we’ll be seeing more of them in the future. They both increased their stock. In the future, it’s highly possible I could face either.

Amira: I’ve noticed you and Sidney Grey exchanging words on Twitter. Do you have any further comment?

SAMMY 3.0: Sidney Grey is at that point where age is catching up to her. She had to generate as much heat as possible to maintain her status. I’m an Android and in her eyes, an easy target. I think today I proved to everyone I can stand on my own. A member of the Cool Kids jumped in, but my crew stayed out of it. I stand on my own, as I say. Age for me is no issue. Violence is the key here and I deliver. I wrestle deathmatches weekly for KFV and DTW. Put me in a cage and you’ll unlock the Android Almighty. If you feel like talking shit, as humans do, I’m here and I’m never scared. I welcome the challenge.

Amira: I definitely feel you have become a target for being different. Humans fear what they do not understand. Some of them think androids don’t belong in wrestling – what do you say to that?

SAMMY 3.0: The forth seed is a Time Lord and one of my best friends. My life partner is a dragon, she’s DTW Champion. If you look at OCW they have Furries on their roster. This isn’t even getting into the more underground kink stuff. If I’m your biggest worry, that’s probably because I’m your biggest threat.

Amira: Well I wish you all the best in the tournament. Wrestling needs variety. What annoys you most about the industry?

SAMMY 3.0: People who are scared to stand on their own two feet. I’m not a hero, but if I’m going to do something bad, I don’t bring an army with me. It’s just me and sometimes Kalinda, usually only to calm me down after I partake in said evil act. Beyond that, if you follow someone else’s ideals, they ultimately have control over you. It’s a vicious cycle. Best to think for yourself.

Amira: Not a Dogs of War fan then.

SAMMY 3.0: All I’m going to say is that I left Stanton Enterprises because Ricky got cold feet on negotiating with them. Clearly I feel they’re valuable talent. They do business differently than me. I get my talent work, but we’re not under one banner. Hard to say how I really feel, since I don’t know many of them personally. But send them and I’ll fight them.

Amira: Strong words. It’s been interesting to delve a little deeper into your mechanical brain. Any final thoughts you want to share before we wrap this up?

SAMMY 3.0: Yeah. Go watch DTW Kaiju Family Values on the Battleground Network. It’s my show. If you want to see what my crew does first hand, you can watch up fight kaiju and each other every week.

Amira: Thanks again, Sammy!








  • #3 SIDNEY GREY [South Africa] vs #14 SAMMY 3.0 [Japan]

Before the match begins, the referee asks Sammy as she is a robot not to go all terminator and just blast through the steel cage walls to escape. She then tried explaining to the referee’s that she was not a Robot but a Android, to which the referee quipped, but I have a iPhone. Clearly a Qiang Chen fan it seems.

As soon as the actual match starts Sidney Grey shrieks, terrified of Sammy, and she runs instantly to the Steel Cage wall to climb up it. Sammy looks on bemused, and removed one of her arms, and used it to grab Sidney back down to the ground, without moving from her position.

She then slammed Sidney into the steel cage wall repeatedly, before returning her back to her direction and Body Slamming her to the mat, followed up by a Savat Kick. Seeing the complications that could arise from climbing up the cage, Sammy went to do it anyway. Getting halfway up, Sidney amazingly became very athletic and grabbed half of Sammy’s machine and Superplexed her from the middle of the cage.

Sammy went crashing down to the floor, well atleast half her legs and arms, the rest of her body continued to climb towards the top of her cage, so Sidney had to go super athletic again, grabbing the remaining part of Sammy’s machine and German Suplexing her from three quarters up the top of the cage.

The crowd chanted out HOLY SMOKES, amazed that this GILF Sidney Grey was able to pull off such a spot. The result of doing those two moves back to back though, were that Sidney Grey had completely drained out her energy tanks and was completely spent.

This allowed Sammy to light up, fixing all her body parts back together, and then get involved by catching Sidney off guard with a running body splash, and then a Modified Neck breaker onto her knee, which almost broke Sidney’s face in half.

Sammy then went for a Swinging DDT followed by applying a Basic Sleeper Hold hoping to choke Sidney out. Sidney however had an incredible reflex, to drag Sammy around forcing her to straddle. Sidney then bent one leg around, and placed Sammy’s leg around a ring post, and went for a devastating figure-four leg lock known as the Sid-Knee Lock. Sammy however was easily able to escape by detaching her leg, and dragging herself away, which made Sidney look idiotic trying to apply a submission to a synthetic leg.

Sidney broke the hold, and Sammy immediately, grabbed her leg back to her core, and thanked a fallen Sidney by hitting a Curbstomp known as the ANDROID DANCE out of nowhere!

Sidney was rocked, and Sammy went in for the kill mimicking Sidney’s Cradle Piledriver known as The Cradle Robber on Sidney herself stealing her finishing move. Except instead of spiking Sidney against the mat, she went for a wicked angle, driving her skull straight through the Steel Cage wall, ripping it apart. The result of this was Sidney Grey shooting through the Steel Cage head first, and then feet second after rolling in pain, to the outside of the ring. Sammy watched on in horror if she could feel any emotions, wondering what she had just done.


TIME: 15:16


Pixie: Good Grief! What a finish. Sammy 3.0 was in cruise control and driving towards victory. But the power of her own strength caught her by surprise and while Sidney is total knockout at the minute, by hook, by crook, and by someway of a miracle, she has won this match. Hats off to Sammy 3.0, many questioned her ability as she was different from us humans, but she proved here tonight just as she did last week that this lady can hang. Commiserations to her, and congratulations I guess are in order for Sidney Grey. The Number 3 survives a scare, and advances. WOW!

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